A lady dressed like a penguin told me there was no Santa Claus!

Okay, raise your hand if that title did not intrigue you. Everyone with their hands raised is lying. Time for clarification. I attended Catholic school for grades 1-5 and my teachers were mostly nuns. Some of you may recall my posting about the great comic book incident.

Long before I was sentenced to hell for reading comics, my second grade teacher informed the whole class that there was no Santa and Christmas was Jesus’ birthday. Now, seeing as I was a very young and impressionable seven year old, one would imagine that this was a traumatic experience. As I recall, I more or less invalidated her premise, not the Jesus part, after all they pretty much pushed that story every week in church since I was old enough to attend. I got it…manger, virgin, three wise men.

The part I did not buy into was the no Santa Claus clause.(see how I made that cute pun) I was pretty sure I had hard scientific proof that Santa existed. After all, how did all those presents get under the tree? It’s not like anyone’s parents would go out and spend that kind of dough just to perpetuate some childhood fantasy. Let’s be reasonable. So, sorry lady in black, there is a Santa. Still got the half eaten cookie and as soon as the DNA testing comes back, you’re going to owe someone an apology.

Now, before you think all my Catholic school memories are negative let me close with a more uplifting tale. I saw my first naked lady at Catholic school. No, it wasn’t a nun! Sheesh, what a weird bunch you guys are. I was on the playground(church parking lot) in third grade and one of the older kids had one of those “floaty” pens with a picture of a bathing beauty on it and when you tipped the pen her suit disappeared. Hmm, come to think of it, those things would make great stocking stuffers!

Merry Everything!

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I want a hula hoop

I have always loved Christmas music. I know some people think it gets played too early, but when you were a kid anything that reminded you that Santa was coming soon was okay by you. One of my favorites was ” Christmas song”, not “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole, though that is pretty good. I’m talking about the Alvin and the Chipmunks song embedded below.

My earliest memory of this song was from a 45 rpm record that my siblings and I received from our Aunt, my Mother’s sister. She had given us her old record player and a stack of 45’s to go with it. Most, as I recall, were Christmas tunes, though there were some others. The only non Christmas record I can remember was “The Peppermint Twist” by Joey Dee and the Starlighters.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have an old jukebox filled with 45’s. Each year I would swap out some of the records for Christmas tunes that I had purchased at a local record store. I did not realize until recently that most were songs that I remembered hearing for the first time on that record player from my Aunt. I was only about five when she gave it to us and I was in my late thirties when I got the jukebox, so thirty some odd years later, I was trying to capture that feeling I had sitting in our basement watching those records revolve and counting down the days until Santa arrived.

So, next time you give out that huge sigh and declare “enough with the Christmas music”, just stop and remember that Santa knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!

Alvin and the Chipmunks- Christmas song[original] – YouTube.

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I fell asleep , did Pat Paulsen Win?

I don’t intend to discuss politics on this blog to any great degree, but the recent election seems like a good time to give a kid’s perspective on the subject.

During my life to this point there have been five Democrats and five Republicans in the White House. I can sort of tell the difference between the two parties. When I was a child, I knew the name of The Prez, but had no inkling of party affiliation or that political parties existed. I only knew that the President was someone that you looked up to, but did not necessarily revere.

I remember watching the Smothers Brothers television show which aired in the late 60’s. Even though I was much too young to fully understand the humor, I found the show appealing. The show was on when I was 6-8 years old.   It was quite controversial for its skits which were very critical of the president and the Vietnam war. While people would argue whether or not it was appropriate to criticize a sitting president, no one could get thrown in jail for doing so and I learned early on that you could question authority, though I definitely was not much of a rebel due to my quiet nature. But, it was nice to know, if I chose, I could “fight the man”!

One of the series regulars was a comedian named Pat Paulsen who became quite famous for his humorous bids to become elected president of the United States. He ran for office many times over the years and actually appeared on several ballots and received some votes. He was simultaneously taking the air out of  some of the over inflated egos of political leaders while reinforcing that anyone in America could throw his hat into the ring. In hindsight, though his  comedic platform was mixed with legitimate issues, I have seen recent candidates with no attempt at humor seem infinitely more ridiculous than Mr. Paulsen ever did.

However, I digress. My main point was that regardless of which party was in power, my life as a kid did not change. As long as there were cartoons on Saturday morning and I could ride my bike after school, life was good. If my parents were disappointed in the government, they never let their kids know it. I’m sure there were some tough economic times that they perhaps felt were the cause of one particular administration or another, but we were not privy to that. I think that would be the better approach, but I’m sure there are a lot of youngsters that have had some low opinions of the last two presidents thrust upon them and have suffered some unnecessary angst that could have been put off at least until high school.

So, next time one of our leaders lets you down, go for a bike ride and watch some cartoons. For aren’t those two things which unite us all?

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Happy Halloween

Not much to say on this topic. This is one of those holidays that I really enjoyed as a kid, but not so much as an adult. The concept of getting free candy was quite appealing to me and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t alone in that department. When I was very young I always had one of those Ben Cooper costumes with the plastic mask that was held on with an elastic band.  Almost everyone I knew wore those.

When we got a little older, we gravitated to the full head latex masks and pretty much just street clothes for the rest of the costume. It was more about the loot and how many houses we could get to. Of course we got a lot more accomplished once we were old enough to go off without my dad escorting us. Your first foray into the world of “trick or treating” is typically when you are very young and it is essential that you are guided by your parents for safety. And I’m sure for most of us, it was a bit scary the first time you knocked on someones door asking for candy, so having mom or dad around was quite comforting.  Once you got a few years under your belt, the fear dissipated only to be replaced by excitement and anticipation. Yet, your parent was still there, just in case.

In our family, my dad always took us out on Halloween and my mom remained home to dispense the candy. I know taking your kids out for Halloween is just one of the many parental responsibilities that one must endure, but I don’t ever recall my dad seeming put off by traipsing around the neighborhood with five little “monsters”.

I didn’t think much of it then, but now, looking back it seems like a metaphor for life in general. Putting on the costume was your first opportunity to express yourself or , if only briefly, change who you were. We all go through phases in life until we eventually become who we are. And just as my father guided us from door to door choosing which houses to visit, so too did he guide us through life helping us make the right choices. And the moment we were old enough to do the Halloween thing on our own and pick our own houses, we were simultaneously becoming mature enough(hopefully) to make other choices in life as well.

Right about that time you began to think you didn’t need your parents anymore, but you were wrong. If you were blessed with any sense at all, you realized that you would always need them. No matter your age they would always be more experienced than you. So while I may have felt comfortable choosing at which house to “trick or treat” without my dad’s advice, I would never have chosen which house to buy or what career path to choose without seeking his wisdom. Ultimately the choices were mine, but it was comforting to know he was standing behind me, just as he was that first time I rang a neighbors door bell seeking my reward. The candy did not last long, but the memories endured.

The last time I ever wore a Halloween mask was about five years ago. I had a very nicely made “Frankenstein” latex mask that I decided to wear over to my parents house on Halloween. At first my dad had no idea who it was underneath the disguise. Once I removed the mask and no longer pretended to be the monster which Dr. Frankenstein made, my father could , instead, see standing before him the man that he had made. I hope he was proud of his accomplishment.

I guess I had more to say about Halloween than I realized.

You'd be afraid not to give candy to a kid wearing this!

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And The Winner Is…

wacky races intro – YouTube.

If NASCAR was like this I would watch it all the time!

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Mad Monster Party – Clip – YouTube

This was made by the same folks responsible for the Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer show we see every December. I don’t know why a network doesn’t play this fun movie every Halloween. We just got the Blue-Ray in at Blast From The Past.

Mad Monster Party – Clip – YouTube.

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What shall we watch this Fall?

ABC TV 1966 / 1966 TV Shows.

Haven’t written lately. Sorry. Part of the problem is time and the other issue is my choice of blog topics-my childhood. It turns out that I am not now, nor was I growing up very interesting. My life is too boring for a great blog, but I’ll carry on for a while longer.

The link above will take you to a sight devoted to one of my favorite fall activities, watching the new television programs that debuted each September. I watched way too much t.v. as a kid. That probably has a lot to do with why I am so boring. Too much vicarious and not enough actual living.

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You Don’t Know Jack!

But this guy does.  Happy Birthday Jack Kirby!

News From ME -News From ME.

Superman may be the most important character in Comic book history, but to my mind, Jack Kirby was the single most important creator ever to work in comics. His sense of design and ability to convey action were revolutionary. But quite possibly, even his amazing draftsmanship may have paled in comparison to his unparalleled imagination and vision.

If you are unfamiliar with his work, well actually that would be almost impossible since every movie based upon Marvel Comics characters has Jack Kirby’s designs as their core material. Stan Lee may have been the face of Marvel Comics, but Jack Kirby was the heart, soul, blood and guts. There can be no debate on this. Even Republicans and Democrats would come to agreement on the greatness of Jack “King” Kirby.


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I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream For Ice Cream!

We have just taken one more step in our attempt to recreate the perfect child hood here at Blast From The Past. A nice man just delivered a freezer full of delicious ice cream novelties.

It looks like they are going to be quite popular, but I must confess the shopping experience won’t quite replicate my child hood memories. Unlike candy, comics and soda which were purchased in a small corner store, the best way to buy ice cream was from the ice cream man. Who doesn’t remember running to their mother for a nickel or dime to buy a frozen treat when they heard the clang of the bell as the big white truck circled the neighborhood? When I was a kid, the ice cream truck did not have a serving window like they do now. Instead the truck was divided into multiple freezer units loaded with dry ice( I assume). Depending upon what you ordered the ice cream man would open each door which was held closed with a giant latch. Nothing beat the quick burst of cold on a hot summer’s day as the door was opened to reveal dozens of tasty treats. I was always fascinated by the little change maker on his belt. It was a metal device which clipped to his belt. It had four little cylinders from which he could dispense coins with the  flip of a small lever.

I don’t know if ice cream trucks patrol neighborhoods any more or just sit at ball parks and beaches waiting for customers. I think I’ll go buy a bell and push our freezer around the block. Anyone have a 10,000 foot extension cord?

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A Coke And A Smile

10 cent Cokes are very popular, even at a dollar.

Pictured above with our assorted Coke merchandise at Blast From The Past is an original Vendo 39 soda machine. Back in the fifties machines like this were rather ubiquitous throughout the country and were often found outside gas stations where the patrons could complete the transaction with no further assistance from the staff.  Most grocery stores opted for the chest style coolers which required the customer to pay a cashier.  This particular model was in our private collection. I’ve always been fascinated by coin-op devices like candy and soda machines. While I don’t have a huge collection. I have managed to acquire two soda machines, one large Stoner candy machine and a couple gumball and small candy vending machines.

Obviously, vending machines are still in plentiful supply albeit with less style than those of the past. I often thought the small measure of fun I received from putting my nickels or dimes into my assorted vending machines was unique to my quirky personality. I have been proven very wrong as is evidenced by the onslaught of smiles and giggles which have descended upon our store ever since we loaded the old Vendo with 8 oz. bottles of Coca Cola. People of all ages have had quite a bit of fun dropping a coin in the slot and pressing the lever with its accompanying thunk as the drum rotates placing one perfectly chilled bottle within their reach.

A quick pop of the top, the telltale “fizz” and that first sip or gulp, depending upon the individual, and of course the smile. Always the smile. Imagine if we could bottle that kind of happiness. Wait…I guess someone already did!

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