My brothers and I missed our true calling

Cast | The Three Stooges.

Three Stooges

Some of our favorite Knuckleheads!

The Three Stooges seem to create the widest gender divide that I have ever witnessed. I can think of no other creative property which is as universally despised by women and yet loved by men. If you know of one, please clue me in.

I did not have a single friend growing up that did not watch the Stooges. It was as close to a right of passage as there was. Your man card was not issued until you became a Three Stooges aficionado. To this day. most any male we encounter at Blast From The Past proudly proclaims his love of the Stooges while his wife rolls her eyes in sheer embarrassment. That is the strangest thing about liking the Three Stooges, the complete lack of shame is mind boggling. If there were ever a form of entertainment that one would most assuredly outgrow, you would think that would qualify. Nope.

I’m sure greater minds than you or I have tried to figure it out. Alas, it shall remain as one of life’s great mysteries much like  Stonehenge and I’m sure the topic of great philosophical debate for years to come. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk




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